EXPERIENTIAL STRATEGY: Disciplined imagination should be a key part of the process
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EXPERIENTIAL STRATEGY: Disciplined imagination should be a key part of the process

You need imagination in order to imagine a future that doesn’t exist. Azar Nafisi Imagination is essential in times like these. Every creative act, including strategy, begins in the imagination.  Imagination isn’t effective if entirely untethered from reality–that’s just fantasy. However, with discipline and focus, the imaginal world can be brought down to earth to …

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What’s New In Experiential: Vol. 9
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What’s New In Experiential: Vol. 9

Hello 2022! We are back with a new batch of experiential trends and insights. As policies shift in response to the Omicron wave, event organizers adjust their approaches, embracing compromise and flexibility to keep experiences alive. Flexible experience design sets the stage for successful engagement  Event organizers and brands are combating uncertainty with flexible, agile …

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Unboxing Experiential Marketing
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Unboxing Experiential Marketing

Experiential marketing is not just the big secret behind brand engagement, but brand success itself. In most industries, the big players have incorporated some form of experiential into their marketing strategy. Brands like Bud Light and Under Armour, who have long elevated their marketplace presence through experiential, make a strong case for other CPG brands …

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What’s New in Experiential: Vol. 4

What’s New in Experiential: Vol. 4

We’re back with more experiential trends from our strategy team. Enjoy, and as always, stay safe out there! Event venues prep for a comeback Venues like convention and performance centers are prepping for the reemergence of large in-person events by implementing new policies and technology.   Indoor Events Return to California With Tests or Proof …

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What’s New in Experiential: Vol. 3
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What’s New in Experiential: Vol. 3

We’re back with more experiential trends from our strategy team. Enjoy, and as always, stay safe out there! Kicking Off a Hybrid Year As the awards and festival seasons kicks off, event organizers and venues are cultivating new approaches to enable hybrid experiences. While wrinkles still need to be ironed out, we are officially entering …

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Gaming and Esports Playbook Part 2: Five Key Learnings

Gaming and Esports Playbook Part 2: Five Key Learnings

By Wayne Leonard, Vice President, Account Director – Gaming & Esports In the first part of this series, we explored The Gaming Universe, the idea that gaming is not games (it’s entertainment), and summarized with this:  Gaming is about connection, it’s a form of entertainment, and gaming brands harness the passion of their fans so well …

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