Together with Nissan, GPJ was on board to reimagine the traditional vehicle reveal experience, by inviting select members of the press to a unique, one-of-kind, underground experience in the heart of the New York’s Chelsea Art District ahead of the New York International Auto Show.

For one night, Nissan took over Union West to bring together all things performance under one roof. The invite-only event combined history, culture, style, gears and grit as one. We invited press to provide exclusive commentary and newsworthy stories from the reveal. The experience was a two-part celebration, cementing Nissan’s 50 years of perfecting their craft.

Designed and produced by our team in Franklin, TN, we transformed the open space into a gallery retrospective honoring the legacy of Nissan’s GTR and Z models.  After immersing themselves in Nissan’s rich history, attendees were treated to the unveiling of the new NISMO 2020 GTR.

Attendees were dazzled and surprised with a wide array of experience touchpoints: from a NISMO liquid nitrogen cocktail bar and interactive live vehicle painting with Japanese calligrapher Makoto Endo, to classic pinstriping performance art and vintage arcade game stations.

By the end of the evening, the audience walked away with memorable keepsakes and a unique reminder of Nissan’s rich history.  After 50 years, Nissan hasn’t forgotten how to have fun and it showed.