This is the age of experience. Credit card companies compete with each other to provide the most exclusive access to the most rarefied cultural events. Sports teams lift best practices from the world of music festivals to engage fans both inside and outside their moments and places of play. Retailers are transforming their former shelf-and-display marts into interactive mashups that are a cross between digitally enabled museums, play spaces, and hospitality venues. And brands everywhere are cutting through the clutter to engage stakeholders in person in everything from pop-ups to brand pavilions in Olympic games surround platforms. Everywhere you look, experience is the ultimate competitive contest.
Experience marketing provides the power to engage all the senses: sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch—more human interaction than any other media. When it comes to marketing investments that move the needle, experiential is the new given. Now the question isn’t whether to engage stakeholders experientially but how to do it in ways that are more compelling, engaging, memorable, and activating than what your competitors are doing.
This is the question we continuously examine at GPJ as we anticipate and respond to how the spheres of culture, business, and stakeholder behavior continue to evolve right in front of our eyes. We’ve been winning awards for it for more than 100 years.
By including only 10 trends we are just scratching the surface. Some are gaining steam now.
Others are coming next. We’re ready to go deep with you on any of these ideas and on more that we’re already implementing. So, let’s reinvigorate our conversation about how we can help you grow your business. Let’s look at what we should be doing together to keep your brand ahead of all others in this, the age of experience.
Download the full report HERE.